Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kids Say The Darnest Things!

Happy Thursday Everyone! Here's hoping that wherever you are you're keeping warm! It's been really cold here last couple days, but hey, cold means no snow, so I guess it's all good!

Anyways has anyone ever seen the show Kids Say The Darnest Things? Bill Cosby used to host it, it was a show on years and years ago, I used to like watching it, some of the stuff kids came out with really was funny! Anyways, today my 3 year old daughter came out with something hilarious while we were out. As I was driving along, drinking my coffee, out of the blue a tiny voice in the back says: "Mom, why do you have a big nose?" I almost spit my coffee out and took a sec to comprehend what was just asked. I said What?? and again got "Mom, why do you have a big nose?" Well, first off, I have a normal looking nose that's not insanely huge or anything, so I couldn't figure out WHY she would ask such a thing! So I asked her what she meant and the reply was: Well, I have a baby nose, and Hailey *my 8 month old* has a baby nose, and you have a big one" LMAO! Priceless, absolutely priceless! I thought it was so cute though but what a thing to come out with just out of the blue! Gotta love kids and the things they manage to come out with.

Well that's all for today, just thought I'd share something to give you all a chuckle. One more day and then it's the weekend! Time sure is flying, isn't it?

Till next time.


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